Don’t worry if some of the terms are confusing... just use what you can. Like Chess, mapping is a craft and you will get better with practice.

Wardley Maps give you a visual method for talking about and developing strategy.

Wardley Mapping is all about context — increasing situational awareness. It gives you a visual way to represent your value chain in relation to the evolution of each component (see below).

Wardley Mapping is named for its creator, Simon Wardley, who has written a book on mapping that is freely available. You can find other resources and tools for mapping here.

If it's significant enough to dedicate your time to, consider mapping it.

A component may be an Activity, a Practice, Data, or Knowledge.

For example, a Cup of Tea could be a component. It might need additional underlying components such as Tea and Hot Water. In your organization, a component might be something like a Web Site, a Purchasing Order, Adjudication, or Feedback Collection.

All components evolve from left to right under the influence of supply and demand competition.

Stage of Evolution







Unique, rare, uncertain, constantly changing, newly-discovered.

The focus is on exploring.


Uncommon, frequently-changing, requires artisanal skill, no two are the same.

The focus is on learning and developing the craft

Product (and rental)

Increasingly common, more defined, better understood. Repeatable processes. Change is slower. Initial differentiation but increasing stability and sameness. There are often many of the same kind of product.

The focus is on refining and improving.

Commodity (and utility)

Scale and volume operations of production. Highly standardized. Defined. Fixed. Undifferentiated. Fit for a specific known purpose. Repetition, repetition, repetition... With time, it becomes commonplace and less visible.

The focus is on ruthlessly removing deviation, industrialising, and increasing operational efficiency.

As components evolve, their characteristics change.







Product (+rental)

Commodity (+utility)

Uncharted Industrialised
Chaotic Ordered
Uncertain Known
Unpredictable Measured
Changing Stable
Different Standard
Exciting Obvious
Future Worth Low Margin
Unusual Essential
Rare Ubiquitous
Poorly Understood Defined
Experimentation Volume Operations
Differential Operational Efficiency
Competitive Advantage Cost of Doing Business

How evolved is the component?

Select cells to highlight them as you think, discuss, and challenge assumptions.

Stage of Evolution







Product (+rental)

Commodity (+utility)

Ubiquity Rare Slowly increasing consumption Rapidly increasing consumption Widespread and stabilising
Certainty Poorly understood Rapid increases in learning Rapid increases in use / fit for purpose Commonly understood (in terms of use)
Market Undefined market Forming market Growing market Mature market
User perception Different / confusing / exciting / surprising Leading edge / emerging Common / disappointed if not used or available Standard / expected
Failure High / tolerated / assumed Moderate / unsurprising but disappointed Not tolerated, focus on constant improvement Operational efficiency and surprised by failure

How evolved is the component?

Select cells to highlight them as you think, discuss, and challenge assumptions.

Stage of Evolution







Product (+rental)

Commodity (+utility)

Ubiquity Rare Slowly increasing consumption Rapidly increasing consumption Widespread and stabilising
Certainty Poorly understood Rapid increases in learning Rapid increases in use / fit for purpose Commonly understood (in terms of use)
Publication Types Normally describe the wonder of the thing Build / construct / awareness and learning Maintenance / operations / installation / features Focused on use
General Properties
Market Undefined market Forming market Growing market Mature market
Knowledge management Uncertain Learning on use Learning on operation Known / accepted
Market perception Chaotic (non-linear) Domain of experts Increasing expectations of use Ordered (appearance of being linear) / trivial
User perception Different / confusing / exciting / surprising Leading edge / emerging Common / disappointed if not used or available Standard / expected
Perception in industry Competitive advantage / unpredictable / unknown Competitive advantage / ROI / case examples Advantage through implementation / features Cost of doing business / accepted
Focus of value High future worth Seeking profit / ROI? High profitability High volume / reducing margin
Understanding Poorly understood / unpredictable Increasing understanding / development of measures Increasing education / constant refinement of needs / measures Believed to be well defined / stable / measurable
Comparison Constantly changing / a differential / unstable Learning from others / testing the water / some evidential support Feature difference Essential / operational advantage
Failure High / tolerated / assumed Moderate / unsurprising but disappointed Not tolerated, focus on constant improvement Operational efficiency and surprised by failure
Market action Gambling / driven by gut Exploring a "found" value Market analysis / listening to customers Metric driven / build what is needed
Efficiency Reducing the cost of change (experimentation) Reducing cost of waste (Learning) Reducing cost of waste (Learning) Reducing cost of deviation (Volume)
Decision drivers Heritage / culture Analysis & synthesis Analysis & synthesis Previous experience

What doctrine does your organization make use of?

Select cells to highlight them as you think, discuss, and challenge assumptions. In this section, you can click multiple times to progress through colors indicating a neutral, weak, warning, and good status.

Inspired by this tweetstorm by Simon Wardley.

Category Wardley's Doctrine (universally useful patterns that a user can apply regardless of context)
Communication Be transparent (a bias towards open) Focus on high situational awareness (understand what is being considered) Use a common language (necessary for collaboration) Challenge assumptions (speak up and question)
Development Know your users (e.g. customers, shareholders, regulators, staff) Focus on user needs Think fast, inexpensive, restrained, and elegant (FIRE, formerly FIST) Remove bias and duplication
Use appropriate methods (e.g. agile vs lean vs six sigma) Focus on the outcome not a contract (e.g. worth based development) Be pragmatic (it doesn't matter if the cat is black or white so long as it catches mice) Use standards where appropriate
Use appropriate tools (e.g. mapping, financial models)
Operation Manage inertia (e.g. existing practices, political capital, previous investment) Optimise flow (remove bottlenecks) Think small (as in know the details) Effectiveness over efficiency
Do better with less (continual improvement) Set exceptional standards (great is just not good enough) Manage failure
Structure Provide purpose, mastery, & autonomy Think small (as in teams, "two pizza") Distribute power and decision making Think aptitude and attitude
Design for constant evolution There is no one culture (e.g. pioneers, settlers and town planners) Seek the best
Learning Use a systematic mechanism of learning (a bias towards data) A bias towards action (learn by playing the game) A bias towards the new (be curious, take appropriate risks) Listen to your ecosystems (acts as future sensing engines)
Leading Be the owner (take responsibility) Move fast (an imperfect plan executed today is better than a perfect plan executed tomorrow) Think big (inspire others, provide direction) Strategy is iterative not linear (fast reactive cycles)
Strategy is complex (there will be uncertainty) Commit to the direction, be adaptive along the path (crossing the river by feeling the stones) There is no core (everything is transient) Be humble (listen, be selfless, have fortitude)
Exploit the landscape

This work is adapted from Finding a Path by Simon Wardley, and thereby licensed Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0.

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